Thursday 5 February 2015

Nicholas Bamford: Being, Consciousness, Christian Gnosis and Deified Becoming in the Theoretikon of the Byzantine Saint, Theodoros

In this paper I will explore the relationship between Theodoros' Gnostic theology and ontology to demonstrate a link between the evolution of consciousness and the noetic ascent to pure being within the ascetic-Byzantine Theoretikon, ascribed to Theodoros. Theodoros draws together ideas realting to concrete  essential being and to notetic becoming in deification so that through this model we can begin to resolve the theological chasm drawn between essentialist models of expressing being and ways of understanding the outward tropos of existence within the contemporary Byzantine debate. Even though purely existentialist paradigms, based on Levinas and Heidegger, have become the hallmark of contemporary Eastern Orthodox ways of doing theology expressed through a Zizioulan character, by ascribing an ontological context to deification through Theodorus' work I explore the deeper implications to a noetic energetic becoming highlighted in the concept of deification specifically mentioned by Theodoros, and intrinsically related to the evolution of consciousness, of willing, knowing and a mode of life pertaining to an essentialist end condition of being argued in the Theoretikon.

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