Wednesday 15 June 2011

Marcus Plested: New Directions in Macarian Studies

This workshop aims to gather leading specialists on Macarius-Symeon to consider the implications of some startling recent Manuscript discoveries and to advance new lines of enquiry within the field of Macarian studies. Macarius-Symeon is a thinker of immense import whose theological achievement remains insufficiently explored. In the years I have been attending the Patristics Conference (since 1995), there has been no workshop on him. This workshop offers a perfect opportunity to provide fresh momentum and direction to the field.

Thus far, the following scholars have offered to speak.

Professor Dr Reinhart Staats (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Emeritus), Germany)
Father Vincent Desprez (Monastery of St Martin of Ligugé, France)
Dr Alexei Dunaev (Moscow Patriarchate Publications, Russia)
Dr Chiara Fariggiana (University of Bologna, Italy)

The first two are the pre-eminent living editors of the Macariana, Fr Desprez having edited Collection III for Sources chrétiennes and Professor Staats having edited the Epistola Magna and definitively established its priority over the De instituto christiano of St Gregory of Nyssa. The other two scholars are working very much at the forefront of Macarian studies, notably with respect to the MS tradition.

PROVISIONAL Titles/Descriptions of Papers (rough indications only at this stage from correspondence with the submitter of this abstract).

1) Staats: ‘Macarius-Symeon in the iconoclastic struggle? Some observations’.

2) Desprez: ‘Recent Developments in the Study of the Macarian Manuscript Tradition’

To encompass: MSS of the 150 Chapters (critical edition in progress). Also observations on the palimpsest Sinai Syriac 30 (fragments of the Great Letter, chapters); the Vaticanus gr. 2028, with 7 pieces under the name of Symeon; indirect witnesses under the names of Basil and Evagrius, and the Apophthegmata. (The conclusions of such an inquiry would be that the most ancient steps of the manuscript tradition are the Great Letter in Ephraem’s Marc. gr. 52; the Syriac collections, and the Arabic of the Vatic. Arab. 89 and Paris. Arab. 149; the actual Greek collections being derived from non-extant forms).

3) Dunaev: ‘Encore Syméon de Mespotamie’

Le but de ma participation dans la conference sera le rapport lie a la nouvelle edition des investigation en russe et en  francais sur le CM I (dans le cadre de la reedition de mon livre de 2002), mais seulement dans un point: CM et Symeon le Mesopotamite. Le rapport pourrait avoir 2 parties: 1) le resume de mes conclusions dans le livre de 2002 ("rossica sunt, non leguntur"). 2) le resume des nouvelles decouvertes des manuscripts du Syméon de Mesopotamite en grec, slavon. Les points essentiels sont: a) differentes hypothese sur le Symeon Mesopotamite et leur critique; b) nouveaux manuscrits du Sermon et nouvelle edition critique par M. Bernatskij dans mon livre; c) les liens textuels du Sermon de Mesopotamite avec des oeuvres de la litterature byzantine; d) nouvelles decouvertes de P. Gehin, V. Desprez et d' A. Suciu qui prouvent que le CM avait la circulation sur le nom de Symeon.

4) Fariggiana: ‘New Macariana’

Summary of manuscript findings and their relation to the textual tradition of the Macarius collections, particularly to I and II.

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