Sunday 10 February 2019

Elizabeth Dively Lauro: Origen's Relational Trinity: A Study of His Fourth Homily on Isaiah

by accusations of proto-Arianism throughout the centuries, Origen’s Trinitarian
theology has yet to be assessed with clarity.
However, in his fourth homily on Isaiah, Origen describes the activities
of the Father, Savior and Holy Spirit as a dynamic and intimate interrelationship
that seems to be dependent upon a single, shared nature and reflect roles of
equal power. First, I analyze the relational
portrait of the Trinity that Origen draws, showing that he understands the
Father, Savior and Holy Spirit to play key roles in each of the periods of time,
to which he refers as the “beginning,” “middle,” and “end.” Within and throughout these periods, they
continually communicate with each other, sharing in and reflecting all of the
virtues as if they are one in the Divine nature. This analysis reveals that Origen views the
Father, Savior and Holy Spirit in an active intimacy that is simultaneously
community and oneness. Having set forth
this trinitarian portrait, I demonstrate that Origen’s meaning is clear despite
any assessment of interpolation by Latin translator Jerome. I also set forth how other works by Origen show
with consistency this portrait of the Father, Savior and Holy Spirit sharing an
active intimacy grounded in the virtues.
What we discover is an eloquent explanation by Origen of the Father, Savior
and Holy Spirit sharing intimately and equally in the virtues, as they
characterize one Divine nature, and reflecting them with equal power to

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