Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Promotions- und Postdoktoranden-Stipendien / Bursaries

Das Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien der Universität Erfurt schreibt zum 1. Oktober 2012 aus:

Promotions- und Postdoktoranden-Stipendien

für Vorhaben aus den Bereichen Soziologie, Religionswissenschaft, Geschichte, Philosophie, Theologie, Rechtswissenschaft oder Wirtschaftswissenschaft im Rahmen des „Weberschen Forschungsprogramms“ des Max-Weber-Kollegs für bis zu drei bzw. zwei Jahre.

Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse sind für alle Kollegiaten verpflichtend sowie die Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme am interdisziplinären Programm des Kollegs. Nähere Informationen zur inhaltlichen Ausrichtung des Forschungsprogramms sowie zu Voraussetzungen und Bewerbungsmodalitäten finden sich unter www.uni-erfurt.de/maxwe.

Für Doktoranden mit einem Interesse an antiker Religion verweisen wir auf die auf der Website zu findenden Ausschreibung des Projekts „Lived Ancient Religion“.

Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen im wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs an und fordert qualifizierte Frauen auf, sich zu bewerben.

Bewerbungen einschl. Lebenslauf, Zeugnissen, einem Gutachten eines Hochschullehrers und einem Exemplar der Magister- bzw. Diplomarbeit (für Postdoktoranden: ein Exemplar der Dissertation) sowie einem Exposé des Forschungsvorhabens (ca. 5 Seiten), in dem die Fragestellung, der Forschungsstand, die methodische Herangehensweise und die leitenden Hypothesen dargestellt werden und ein Arbeits- und Zeitplan enthalten ist, sind schriftlich und in digitaler Form (Datei mit max. 2 MB an Dekanat.MWK@uni-erfurt.de) bis zum 9. Juli 2012 zu richten an: Dekanat, Max-Weber-Kolleg der Universität Erfurt, Am Hügel 1, 99084 Erfurt. Für die Rücksendung der Unterlagen bitten wir, einen adressierten und ausreichend frankierten Briefumschlag beizulegen. Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen Frau Ilona Bode (Dekanat.MWK@uni-erfurt.de) zur Verfügung.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


With sadness I have learned only today that Fr. Cyril Crawford, OSB has passed away on 15 May 2012. He attended the last Oxford Patristic Conference 2011 and read a fascinating and very learned paper on
‘Receptive Potency’ (dektikē dynamis) in Ambigua ad Iohannem 20
of St. Maximus the Confessor
 Having recently edited his paper from which I have learned again so much, we will commemorate him with his contribution being published in the forthcoming Proceedings in Studia Patristica. R.I.P.
His obituary and more details can be found on his monastery's website

Lost Homilies on the Psalms by Origen discovered

Lorenzo Perrone announces wonderful news for the Patristic Community:

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

on the 21st of May, a day after the first severe earthquake since centuries began to shake my region, I was asked an expertise on a Greek manuscript of Munich.
Prof. Anna Meschini Pontani, from Padua University, informed me that Dr. Marina Molin Pradel, who is preparing the new catalogue of the Greek manuscripts of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, wished to submit to my attention a discovery she had made on Holy Thursday. While examining the content of Codex Monacensis Graecus 314 (11th-12th century), an anonymous collection of 29 homilies on the Psalms, she discovered that the manuscript included the Greek text of four of the five homilies of Origen on Psalm 36  (H36Ps I-IV) translated by Rufinus. Moreover, she noticed that the list of the other homilies corresponded to a large extent to that presented by Jerome in his Letter 33 to Paula, the most important group being the series of nine homilies on Psalm 77.

I worked hastily in the following weeks to go through the considerable manuscript (371 folios) and check its content. More and more, albeit still provisionally, I have come to the conclusion that we have to do with a lot of lost homilies of Origen. My conviction is supported, among other things, by the exegetical treatment presented by the homilies, the doctrinal elements they preserve, the stylistic features which are typical of the great Alexandrian. In addition, a few excerpts of these homilies were already known to us under his name in some catenae fragments edited in PG 17 and the «Analecta Sacra» of Pitra, especially with regard to Psalm 77.
Only a thorough examination of the texts transmitted by the Codex Monacensis Graecus 314 will permit to extend with reasonable certainty the attribution to Origen of all the remaining homilies or of part of them, besides the Homilies I-IV on Psalm 36.

I have already begun with the transcription of the manuscript and hope to complete it before the end of the summer, in order to make the texts accessible to scholars. Together with my colleagues Chiara Barilli, Antonio Cacciari and Emanuela Prinzivalli I plan to prepare without delay a critical edition of the homilies.
Marina Molin Pradel will present her discovery and offer some samples of the manuscript in the next issue of «Adamantius», due to be published before the autumn.

A series of initiatives are planned to announce the discovery of the new texts to the scholarly world and to promote their knowledge and study.
On monday the 11th of June the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek will release a public statement about the discovery.
A seminar will take place at Padua University the 25th of June and a day-conference is planned for the 5th of December in Munich at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
Together with the colleagues of the Italian Research Group on Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition we plan a conference in Bologna next February, exactly one year after the one devoted to the prospect of a new edition of Origen’s commentaries on the Psalms, in cooperation with the colleagues of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaft.
At the time we were submerged by the snow no less than by the uncomfortable impression of the heavy task still waiting the editors of the catenae fragments. Now, in the middle of renewed quakes, we have been given an unexpected gift that we would like to share with all those who love Origen.

Lorenzo Perrone

«Alma Mater Studiorum» – Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica
Via Zamboni 32
I-40126 Bologna

5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376