Saturday 21 March 2015

Satoshi Toda: Judaeo-Christian Gospel Tradition Revisited

At the beginning of the twentieth century Judaeo-Christian Gospel Tradition was one of the most favourite subjects for students of the earliest stage of Christianity, which is indeed sometimes called Judaeo-Christianity; but now it is rather a relatively neglected field of study, because the rediscovery of the Gospel according to Thomas strongly induced many scholars to discuss on its possible relation with the Synoptic Gospels, leaving other apocryphal Gospels behind. Since it now seems that the problems surrounding the Gospel according to Thomas will find definitive solutions in a near future, it is high time to go back to the interest with which apocryphal Gospel traditions were originally treated. Thus this paper will deal with Judaeo-Christian Gospel Tradition (the Gospel according to the Hebrews, the Gospel of the Nazarenes, and the Gospel of the Ebionites), making a survey of the status quaestionis, and try to explore its significance not only for the quest surrounding Jesus' sayings and deeds, but also for the history of earliest Christianity up to the end of the second century.

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