Wednesday, 5 November 2014

"The History and Text of New Testament Commentaries", Colloquium 2-5th March 2015, Birmingham, UK

Dear all,

We are glad to announce that the call for papers and booking are now both officially open for the Ninth Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament.

On the theme of "The History and Text of New Testament Commentaries", the colloquium will be held in Birmingham from 2-5th March 2015.

The speakers will include:

  • Professor Ronald E. Heine - Origen’s Gospel Commentaries
  • Professor Gilles Dorival - Biblical Catena manuscripts
  • Dr Lukas Dorfbauer - The Regula Evangeliorum Quattuor of Fortunatianus of Aquileia
  • Professor Alexander Andrée - The Glossa Ordinaria
  • Dr William Lamb - Catenae and the Art of Memory

Proposals are invited for papers on the tradition of biblical commentary and its significance for the New Testament text. Topics might include the practice of composing and reading commentaries in antiquity, the treatment of a particular verse or passage by one or more writers, or studies of commentary and catena manuscripts. Submissions consisting of a title and brief description should be sent to by 12th January 2015.

The booking form is available for download from
There is a significant reduction for bookings received and paid in full by 22nd December 2015.

We hope to welcome you to Birmingham in March.

With best wishes,
Hugh Houghton and David Parker

This announcement can also be seen online at: